Today we elect to do the walk/bike track upstream along the Margaret River to the 10 mile dam. This is billed as an easy forest track to a catchment that’s part of the town’s water supply. The river is a lot smaller than I expected, but as there has been rain in the past week it has more water than we might expect.
We park at the beginning of the track, on the north side of the river. It takes a bit of finding the start, and I’m ready to give up in the first five minutes – then we realise we are on the wrong path. Once we correct that error, it’s a beautiful ride with towering gums, lots of info boards adding to our knowledge of native flora, and gorgeous views of the river.

So that’s the first half. It gets trickier and as a few trees have come down with the storm a couple of weeks ago we face several points of “so high, can’t get over it, so low, can’t get under it”, though actually we can get over it by lifting the bikes. As you can imagine, this is the kind of riding one of us really enjoys.

We ignore the sign which says “winter alternative route” and find ourselves looking at a ford across the river and a sign stating “unsafe to cross”. What do you think? Yes, we cross. Scott does a barefoot reccy then rides both bikes across while I show my mettle by carrying both pairs of shoes. That water is cold.
By the time we reach the damn dam my legs seem to have forgotten how to propel the wheels. Bear in mind my bike better suits cycling around town – perhaps with a basket of French bread on the front and bellbirds circling about, singing and showing the way. You know, like a Disney movie.

After an exploration of the dam track we decide to take the country roads back to the car. When I consult the map I find we are, in fact, as close to the caravan park as we are to where the car is waiting. I elect to take the easy option (surprise!) and follow the road, while Scott carries on, reconnects with the bike trail and goes back to the car. We arrive home at roughly the same time. But what he doesn’t know is I first go to the Vinnies (charity op-shop) next door to the caravan park and donate my bike.

Haha. A great read Bev. Thanks for starting my day with a smile. 🙂
Your pics make me smile every weekend, so that’s fair exchange.
Oh no!!!! You DIDNT really I hope. I liked the sound of snow white on her bike following the blue birds …. actually, I’ve just bought a second hand bike hardly used and looking forward to a gentle ride from Burnett Heads to Mon repos along the. Bike path. I’m sure it will be easy as after hearing your tale!
Yes, I did. Will buy an e-bike which I’ve become used to at home.
Love it!! Rather than Bluebirds circling I imagine Blue air above you!!
Sounds somewhat reminiscent of that Waikaremoana hike many moons ago… recollections of clawing my way up steep parts of the “trail” grabbing onto exposed roots.
Am sure you’ve still got the bike!! Can’t see you crying uncle after one bad ride!!
Journey on ❤️
No, really. I gave it away – plan to buy a e-bike to make my old life easier
Talk about intrepid. What a pair, crossing the unsafe river. Vinnies mostly take clothing and bric a brac I think. Don’lt know what they’d do with a bike, except perhaps give its rider tea and sympathy. xx
Ha ha – they didn’t give me any tea or sympathy but did take the bike. The volunteer on duty was quite keen on it!
I vote for the basket with baguette and bellbirds option…
I can see that for you!
No fresh water crocs down that way for Sir Lancelot Scott to wrangle .
Not even a baby one
Yes I would have also chucked the bike riding in Bev😁
will get an e-bike to replace.