Two paragraphs from the last blog of our 2019 trip come under the heading of “famous last words”
We’re home for the Summer now – the car and caravan are snuggled into their storage warehouse in Adelaide. It’s lovely to be back where your friends and family live, where you don’t deal daily with worries of fires sweeping the land, or seven year droughts and dying cattle and dust storms, or a climate change denying Government.
But like the man said “We’ll be back”. In April next year [2020], we will reunite with the car and caravan and go west, assuming Australia hasn’t incinerated entirely.
If the world situation were not so tragic you would laugh at our optimism – it turns out there was far worse to come; it is now April 2021 and we’re a year behind in our plans. First world problems.
This is where we have been on the caravanning adventure so far.

We will leave New Zealand in five days time (God willing).
Anticipating a bureaucratic nightmare on arrival as the car rego has expired; it is registered in NSW but in storage in South Australia. Each state has its own vehicle registration system and for some reason we suspect re-registering will not be straightforward. We live in hope.
The plan is to spend a bit more time in South Australia while the weather is still warm, then head west across the Nullarbour, and north to the Coral Coast.
Stand by.

You will love the Nullabor and the Coral Coast…. at least we did.
Here’s to smooth sailing well in your case roading.
Trish & Mike
So when are you coming??
soon, but not to your neck of the woods this time
It’s been great having you in NZ. Good catch ups if infrequent. Looking forward to blogging installments from Oz. Xxx
Travel well guys – and we look forward to a continuing saga in the next series of the Bev and Scott excellent adventure.
Yeah right.
Hi guys!
Good to see you back on the road again.
We are now living in Kaikoura so look us up if you are down this way.
Happy travels
Jo and Rod
Looking forward to finding out where your next adventures take you. Go well.
Bon voyage darlings… it must feel wonderful to be off on adventure once more…
On the road again! Reminds me of a song 🤣 Hope you have fantastic adventures – first one being, I suspect, the car registration 🙄. Love to you both safe travels and look forward to your messages home 🥰
Have an awesome time – look forward to reading about your next adventures
Awesome – have a fab time / look forward to reading about your next adventures
Great news that you’re on your travels again soon. Hope all goes well with the car rego. I’ll look forward to hearing all the news. Xx
Hope all goes well. I will lookforyour blogs. Off to South Island and Stewart Is. Next week via Taranaki. Take care. W A in lockdown at present. Bev please respect our privacy and if you see the brother that used Bob and I for years you know nothing of us. Thank you.
John and I look forward to seeing you when you eventually return. Give us a call if anything you want. Can’t imagine what but just know we’re here for you too
Hear you soon. Love Eris andJohn.
Morning Bev now the bubble is open we have an apartment in Sydney. You are welcome to stay anytime. Parking is a bit of a nightmare but great location in the Rocks .
Looking forward to reading more of your adventures .Jenny
Thanks – heading the other way first up but these days you never know where you will end up! BTW, happy gannyhood!