This is not the blog you are expecting – that will come soon.
New Zealanders can become Australian citizens more easily, and enjoy all the rights and privileges that brings. Here are some of them. A snapshot from today’s news that will have Kiwis rushing over the ditch.
- Yet another politician has been stood down after sexual misconduct allegations from two female colleagues. Independent Senator Lydia Thorpe used Parliamentary Privilege to accuse Senator Van of sexual assault. Further allegations from others followed.
- The Brittany Higgins rape case (in case you’re behind the news) continues, despite the trial collapsing. Yet the fall-out impacts through and the media, with allegations about who knew what, when. This event dates back to 2019, and happened in the office of the Defense Industry Minister in Parliament House after hours.
- The 10 News political reporter confirms Parliament is a toxic environment to work.
- The Government does not role model a safe workplace.
- Good news, unemployment is down. Bad news, this could trigger further inflation and another interest rate rise.
- The country is headed to recession, just like New Zealand according to today’s figures.
- As in New Zealand, house prices are falling and interest rates rising – no-one can sell and no-one can afford to buy.
- Wages are higher, so are taxes – and there are more of them. Luxury car tax (which we had to pay when we bought the Landcruiser). Stamp duty on property.
- After acknowledging the Aboriginal people have lived here for over 60,000 years, there’s a referendum this year which, in a nutshell, would enshrine a permanent Indigenous voice to Parliament in the Constitution. Be clear: this is to establish an ADVISORY body with the purpose of recognising and representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Advisory being the operative word. Not making legislation, just having a (non binding) say. Imagine. Asking people who would be directly impacted by a law for their input. While this may seem like a no brainer – it is a no brainer – success is by no means assured. It’s not quite MAGA, but red necks proliferate.
- A ten kilo, two metre carpet python snake was found in a bathroom in Queensland.
None of these things reduce my pleasure at vacationing in this warm and pleasant land. We meet lovely people, most of the time; enjoy the opportunities offered to us as visiting neighbours; inject our enthusiasm and dollars into everything we do – It’s nice place to visit, but …….

Wow. This was almost ALL news to me. In the “Land of the Free”, world news happens in this country. (Said only partly in jest).
I did know about the referendum. My cousin messaged me about that and said sometimes he is just so ashamed to be an Australian. 🙁
Well with all that goes on in the US there’s not much room for the rest of the world’s news! All those school shootings take up a lot of column inches.
There is lots I could say, but I love you too much! Let me just observe that a 10kg 2m carpet python in a Qld bathroom surprises me not at all. Clearly, I didn’t tell you about the 6kg 1.5m diamond python in The Entrance NSW bedroom. In my son’s flat. Which he put there. Until it escaped. To the consternation of his neighbours, who didn’t know about it. But that’s another story …
I appreciate your restraint! I did wonder what sort of Aussie backlash I might get.
Unsure in which direction the rush will be Bev. Are you prepared for us departing for more appealing landings across the ditch?
Xx(Tongue in cheek ) Sue
We welcome you with open arms!
Well said Bev!
Thanks. The politicians tip me over the edge